Award Winning workshop programs based on Elaine Mazlish and Adele Faber's best selling parenting books. These workshops have won the enthusiastic praise of parents and professionals worldwide. The author's practical, down-to-earth methods give adults the know-how they need to create relationships with children of all ages - from tots to teens that are less stressful and far more rewarding. The workshops are knowledgeably presented, by Sarah Blais, online via Zoom, or in a private home or community setting. Denver, Colorado based.

Individual/Couples/Group Workshops
Online via Zoom - book dates that suit your Schedule
Workshop - How to Talk so Kids Listen & Listen so they Talk
Session Outlines
Helping Children Deal with Their Feelings - An exploration of what happens to children when their feelings are denied. Specific skills that help children to recognize and cope with their negative feelings: disappointment, envy, frustration, resentment, anger, etc. Ways to accept children's feelings, limit unacceptable behavior, and still maintain goodwill.
Engaging Cooperation - How children react to commonly used methods to get them to cooperate: threats, warnings, orders, name-calling, sarcasm, lecturing, etc. Five ways to invite cooperation that will leave parents and children feeling good about themselves and each other.
Alternatives to Punishment - How do children normally react to punishment? Is it necessary to rely on punishment as a means of discipline? Some alternatives to punishment that enable parents to express their strong disapproval as well as encourage children to assume responsibility for their behavior.
Encouraging Autonomy - Ways to help children become separate, responsible people who can one day function on their own. Specific skills that help children to become more self-reliant.
Praise - An exploration of the kinds of praise that build a positive and realistic self-image, and the kinds that are counter-productive. A variety of ways to help our children become aware of their strengths so that they can put them into action.
Freeing Children from Playing Roles - A look at how children are sometimes cast into roles (bully, whiner, dawdler, mischief-maker, etc.) and how we can free them from playing out these roles. Six skills that help children see themselves in a different and more positive light.
Final Review "Action Plan" workshop session; a chance to consolidate what's been learned and fully focus on creating your strategy for applying all you have learned to current challenges with your children (some opportunity for this in all sessions).
(7 x 2 Hour sessions - 14 Hours total)
$199 / Groups of 3+ participants price per participant
$399 / Individual
$549 / Same household couple
10% Loyalty Discount for previous clients
Non Refundable Deposit $75 per person ($100 couples) to secure your workshop dates.
Includes a copy of "How to Talk So Kids Listen & Listen So Kids Talk" by Faber/Mazlish. Includes your hard copy Personal Workbook for all sessions.

Workshop - Siblings Without Rivalry
Online via Zoom - book dates that suit your Schedule
Session Outlines
Helping Siblings Deal with Their Feelings About Each Other - What happens to brothers and sisters when their hostile feelings about each other are ignored or denied? Four specific methods for helping children express their negative feelings to each other without doing damage.
Keeping Children Separate and Unequal - How siblings react when they are compared to each other - unfavorably or even favorably. Effective alternatives to comparisons. How siblings feel about always being treated equally. Ways to treat children unequally and still be fair.
Siblings in Roles - Why brothers and sister are often cast, and cast each other, into different roles. A look at how powerfully these roles affect their relationships with each other. Skills that free each child to become his or her most whole self.
When the Kids Fight - What can you do when fighting breaks out between the children? An exploration of commonly used strategies that backfire. A chance to practice the skills that reduce rage and motivate children to work out their own solutions.
Problem Solving - A method for helping children deal with the problems they can't work out for themselves. A simple ten-step approach that enables adults to sit down with the young combatants so that they can move toward resolving their conflicts.
A Final Review - Time to review and consolidate your skills. Exercises give you practice in applying everything you learned to potentially explosive situations. Finally, an opportunity to take a second look at your own adult sibling relationships from your new perspective.
Real Life Check In - An opportunity to share with the group all the positive progress you have made at home, in real life(!), based on sessions 1-6. Also to focus your attention on any ongoing area of challenge, gain advanced skills and brainstorm with your group.
(7 x 2 Hour sessions - 14 Hours total)
$199 / Groups of 3+ participants price per participant
$399 / Individual
$549 / Same household couple
10% discount for previous clients
Non Refundable Deposit $75 per person ($100 couples) to secure your workshop dates.
Includes a copy of "Siblings Without Rivalry" by Faber/Mazlish. Includes your hard copy Personal Workbook for all sessions.
What happens in the Workshop Sessions?
All programs include a complete and smoothly flowing framework for each online meeting. Sarah Blais will share on screen materials and audio recordings and read aloud simple directions, plus facilitate and guide discussions. The authors "conduct" each session via their audio sections. You will receive your hard copy workbook, in the mail, ahead of session 1.
Participant(s) follow along using their workbooks, which are coordinated with the audio content. As each new skill is presented, through cartoons and "true-to-life" dramatizations, participants will have a chance to discuss their reactions with each other and consolidate their new learning by doing practice exercises in their workbooks. Participants will also have opportunities to role play common problem situations and share their reactions with each other.
At no point is anyone required to divulge anything personal. The format provides a warm, relaxed and enjoyable way for all members of the group to learn and practice valuable communication skills.
Can Professionals and Those Who Are Not Parents Benefit From These Programs?
Yes. The principles and skills taught in these workshops can be used by anyone who lives or works with children. The material is ideal for social workers, guidance counselors, clergy, doctors, nurses, childcare workers, camp counselors, grandparents...anyone who has contact with children. The workshops have also been used successfully in high school and college courses in Family Life and Parent Education.
Can Teachers Use These Programs To Be More Effective in the Classroom?
Yes. The materials have been used successfully for teacher training courses in college and universities as well as for in-service training of teachers. The authors' book, How To Talk So Kids Can Learn - At Home and in School, is a rich source of additional examples showing the "How To Talk" skills being used in the school setting. It is strongly recommended for teacher groups using the program.
A Special Note to Mental Health Professionals.
The entertaining and true-to-life materials in the Faber-Mazlish kits have proven to be an excellent supplement to individual therapy, group therapy or family counseling.
How Long Is Each Session?
Each session runs approximately 2 hours, depending upon the size of the group. However, the timing of the workshops is flexible and can easily be adjusted to your needs. 2 Day intensives are also available with 3 sessions day 1 and 4 sessions day 2.